Corporate Business Structures | Structuring Your Business



C-CorporationsNevada C-Corporation $ 695.00
Nevada C-Corporation (Rush) $ 795.00
Any State C-Corporation $ 695.00 - $1500.00 1

  1. Varies according to the specific state of domicile.
Sub-S CorporationsNevada Sub-S Corporation $ 695.00
Nevada Sub-S Corporation (Rush) $ 795.00
Any State Sub-S Corporation $ 695.00 - $1500.00 1
Sub-S Filing $ 50.00 2

  1. Varies according to the specific state of domicile.
  2. Typically performed by your accountancy firm.

Note: Sub-S filing is typically performed by your accountant. However, Matrix Business Architects can perform the Sub-S filing for the filing fee listed above.

Private CorporationsNevada Private Corporation $ 695.00
Nevada Private Corporation (Rush) $ 795.00
Any State Private Corporation $ 695.00 - $1500.00

  1. Varies according to the specific state of domicile.
Public CorporationsNevada Corporate Associates provides consulting services for taking your corporation through the extensive and complex process of an Initial Public Offering. We can provide an entire range of assistance in navigating the regulatory requirements.

Call for Pricing.

Shelf CorporationsShelf Corporation pricing is based upon age and domicile location.

Call for pricing.

Closely Held CorporationsNevada Closely Held Corporation $ 695.00
Nevada Closely Held Corporation (Rush) $ 795.00
Any State Closely Held Corporation $ 695.00 - $1500.00 1

  1. Varies according to the specific state of domicile.
Close CorporationsNevada Close Corporation $ 695.00
Nevada Close Corporation (Rush) $ 795.00
Any State Close Corporation $ 695.00 - $1500.00 1

  1. Varies according to the specific state of domicile.
Domestic CorporationsNevada Domestic Corporation $ 695.00
Nevada Domestic Corporation (Rush) $ 795.00
Any State Domestic Corporation $ 695.00 - $1500.00 1

  1. Varies according to the specific state of domicile.
Foreign CorporationsForeign Corporation $ 695.00
Foreign Corporation (Rush) $ 795.00
Any State Foreign Corporation $ 695.00 - $1500.00 1

  1. Varies according to the specific state of domicile.
Professional CorporationsNevada Professional Corporation $ 695.00
Nevada Professional Corporation (Rush) $ 795.00
Any State Professional Corporation $ 695.00 - $1500.00 1

  1. Varies according to the specific state of domicile.
Limited Liability CompaniesNevada Limited liability Company $ 695.00
Nevada Limited Liability Company (Rush) $ 795.00
Any State Limited Liability Company $ 695.00 - $1500.00 1
Nominee Officer Services (annual) Varible 2, 3

  1. Varies according to the specific state of domicile.
  2. Fees are based upon the services the nominee provides to the individual entities.
  3. Nominee fees are incrementally reduced for multiple entities.
Private FoundationsPrivate Family Foundation $ 5000.00
Professional Trustee Services $ 1,200.00 1, 2

  1. Trustee fees are incrementally reduced for multiple entities dependent upon projected workload.
  2. Based upon 16 hours of work throughout the calendar year. Additionall hours are billed at $100/hr.
Public CharitiesPublic Charities $ 5000.00
Professional Trustee Services $ 1,200.00 1, 2

  1. Trustee fees are incrementally reduced for multiple entities dependent upon projected workload.
  2. Based upon 16 hours of work throughout the calendar year. Additionall hours are billed at $100/hr.
Consolidated StructuringConsildated Structuring is the linking of business structures to maximize asset protection and business effectiveness. All of the structures we offer can be utilized in a consolidated structure constellation. The design and cost of your consolidated structuring if defined through a process of interacting with you and understanding your goals. The resulting costs of consolidated structuring are based upon the type and number of structures and associated services implemented for your specific business and asset preservation plans.

  • Tax Exempt 501 (c) 3 Public Charities or Private Foundations $ 5,000.00
  • Professional Trustee Services (annual) $ 1,200.00 1, 2
  • Nevada C-Corporations $ 695.00
  • Nevada Sub-S Corporations $ 695.00
  • Nevada LLCs $ 695.00
  • Nominee Officer Services (annual) Variable 3, 4
  1. The trustee fees are incrementally reduced for multiple entities dependent upon projected workload.
  2. Annual fee is based upon 16 hours of work throughout the calendar year. Additional hours are billed at $100/hour.
  3. Fees are based upon the services the nominee provides to the individual entities.
  4. Nominee fees are incrementally reduced for multiple entities.
  5. Our business structures and associated services are incrementally reduced when combined in our consolidated business structures.
Aged StructuresAged structures can be any of the business structures we offer. The cost is determined by the structure age and type. Call for information and pricing.


Local Office ProgramLocal Office Program $ 3000.00 / year 1, 2, 3

  1. The cost of our Corporate Office Program is reduced each subsequent year by 10%.
  2. You can pay 12 monthly payments of $300. 1st and last paid in advance.
  3. If you purchase both the Nominee Officer service and the Corporate Office program we’ll discount an extra 10% on both of those services, saving you $375.
Nominee OfficersNominee Officer Services (annual) Variable 1, 2, 3

  1. Fees are based upon the services the nominee provides to the individual entities.
  2. Nominee fees are incrementally reduced for multiple entities.
  3. If you purchase both the Nominee Officer service and the Corporate Office program we’ll discount an extra 10% on both of those services, saving you $375.
Resident Agent ServicesResident Agent Services - First Year Included1
Resident Agent Services - Subsequent Years ($ 150.00 corp.)
Resident Agent Services - First Year (existing corp.) $ 250 2
Resident Agent Services - Subsequent Years $ 150.00 (existing corp.)
Change Resident Agent Service to Nevada Corporate Associates $ 295 3

  1. Included when you purchase your corporation from Nevada Corporate Associates.
  2. For corporations initiated from sources other than Nevada Corporate Associates.
  3. A one time fee, in addition to the annual Resident Agent fees.
Professional Trustee ServicesProfessional Trustee Services (annual) $ 1,200.00 1, 2

  1. The trustee fees are incrementally reduced for multiple entities dependent upon projected workload.
  2. Annual fee is based upon 16 hours of work throughout the calendar year. Additional hours are billed at $100/hour.


Mailing ServicesMail Forwarding

Deposit which is billed against the rate of $4.90 per forwarding plus postage. When your account falls to $50.00, you are notified and required to bring account back to original level of $150.00.

Corporate Mail Forwarding $ 150.00 1

  1. Deposit to be charged against for the mail forwarding service.

Note: Our mail forwarding service is free of charge to our Corporate Office Program clients.


The price of our remailing service varies upon the volume of mail. All mail must be pre-sorted to USPS standards with the appropriate postage applied. Nevada Corporate Associates does not maintain the facilities to sort or apply postage to bulk mail.

Call for pricing

Note: Our remailing service is free of charge to our Corporate Office Program clients.

Telephone ServicesThe list below provides some of the avaialble phone services:

  • Phone Call Forwarding
  • Telephone Answering
  • Catalog and Literature Requests
  • Order Entry Processing
  • Appointment Setting and Reservations
  • Voice mail Services
  • Fax Mail Services

The pricing for the telephone services provided by Nevada Corporate Associates are customized to the individual requirements and vary with the specific implementation. When we understand your requirements we will prepare an estimate of the service inception and recurring monthly fees.

Corporate Remailing Call for pricing

Do you have questions? Let Us help you.

For more information about our services and prices, please contact us so we can discuss your specific needs.

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