
We offer wide-ranging support to you, whatever your business size, structure, and purpose. If your business is already incorporated, we can provide additional services based on your individual needs. We are not an anonymous, megalithic, company run by bots. We treat you like we want to be treated. We will suggest only the services suitable to your specific business needs. We can help your business prosper and grow.

Starting a Business One of the most time-consuming and potentially complex issues is selecting the right structure and methods to start your business. to figure out the best course through this extremely important decision-making process. Learn more...
Nominee Officers If you want to keep your involvement in your company private, we can help you select  nominee officers. A nominee officer can replace your Secretary, Treasurer, President and Directors on the required Secretary of State filings. This means your name is not listed on the public record associated with your corporate entity. Learn more...
Professional Trustees If you want to keep your involvement in a trust private, you can use professional trustees. The professional trustee you designate can manage and perform any or all of the duties a regular trustee performs. This includes keeping and preparing records. You can be assured that all necessary trust business is conducted and appropriately documented. Learn more...
Local Office Program If you want to base your business in Nevada, you can use our local office program. This enables you to operate your as if you opened your own office in Nevada. The local office program can save you time and money. It can save you the cost of rent, utilities, insurance, payroll, and taxes associated with operating your own office in the state. Learn more...
Legal Services Sometimes it seems like lawyers are always looking for ways to lighten your wallet, not your business burdens. It's important to get legal services you can trust. We have trusted relationships with several lawyers who can help you, Whether you're purchasing real estate or negotiating complex contracts. They can provide you with experienced and professional legal services. Learn more...
Employee Services The administrivia of managing a business can be an overwhelming. It's an unending workload and an unprofitable use of your valuable time. We can help you select contracted employee services that can reduce or eliminate your employee administration requirements. These providers offer recruiting, employee relations, regulatory compliance, payroll, and benefits administration. We may be able to negotiate discounted rates on your behalf. Learn more...

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